Seafood processing jobs in Alaska
Watch our Seafood Processing Employment Orientation video and read the information provided below. This information may help you prepare for a job in the Seafood Processing industry. (The video is 16 minutes long.)
The Alaska seafood processing industry provides jobs for more than 20,000 people each year, not including jobs on fishing vessels. Most companies look for seafood employees who:
- Will work the full season or contract period
- Enjoy physical work
- Enjoy working as a team in a multicultural environment
- Take pride in their work to make a quality seafood product
- Work with others in remote, adventurous locations under invigorating conditions wearing
rain gear and rubber boots - Recognize the value of following directions and safety rules
Alaska’s seafood industry has many opportunities for seasonal or full time work. Advancement into management or technical positions with good pay and benefits is possible.
What seafood processors in Alaska need to know
To learn more about how to find and prepare for a seafood processing job, download and read this document: What seafood processors need to know